Sunday 28 October 2012


Education in Canada is moving towards independent self-directed education. This means learning on-line at your own pace. I feel that it is important for expose you to this way of learning that education is moving towards.

Social studies entails a fair amount of reading and writting. Instead of the traditional way of learning through taking notes and listening to lectures; I think it be best if you student learn about Canadian Social Studies on your own with my assistance. This means for you to start taking responsibility for your own learning!

This site includes the required readings for each unit. Each reading will be accompanied by images and videos. At the side of the page will be a list of key terms for each unit and links to primary documents and resources based on your readings.

Self directed learning means learning at your own pace. This means there are not set due dates for each assignment. The unit assingments and/or tests will be completed on your own time. All the unit work must be completed by the end of the unit due dates. Assesments, assignment criteria and expectations will be posted on this site as I continue to build this page.

To succed in this course I highly suggest that you read each required reading and make your own point form notes on a word document or piece of paper. At the end of each reading there will be a critical thinking question to answer based on the reading. I strongly suggest that you answer these questions and e-mail them to me,, for feedback and the appropriate answers. These critical thinking questions are examples of questions that will be asked on any future exam. Practice makes perfect!