The Canadian government hoped to attract what they called "quality people" - expierenced, hard working, white European farmers who would work prarie soil. The Canadian government took responsibility for bringing in settlers and made it easy for people. There were posters in many languages, traveling road shows with examples of prarie products, and men with "magic lantern shows" who gave presentations showing pictures of the West. Canadian agents worked hard to bring American farmers to the praries.
Europeans travlled from their homes to ports, then boarded ships to Canada. Once in Halifax, newcomers travelled by train to Winnipeg. Many newcomers spent a few nights sleping in immigration halls or tents provided by the government. Some went from immigration hall to a land office to obtain information for land. Many bought a wagon, a team of horses or oxen, some limber and food, got theri patent, and went off in search of their dreams.
"The train was full of immigrants like ourselves. Parents with children of all ages, most of them from eastern europe. As the days wore on children became cranky, babies cried, parents tired. As we neared Winnipeg we ran into a snow storm and the snow became so deep we made little progress and kept stopping while the track was cleared. At 10:30 pm the train pulled into the station. Out we go! Oh! The cold, how it nipped our faces, our ears, our feet. We were glad to shelter ourselves in the waiting room, which was over flowing"