The British were aware that many officials and representatives in the America government were ready for war. Recognizing the validity of of some American complaints, especially the interference of trade, violation of American waters the Americans decided to declare war on Britain once again on June 17th 1812. News did not travel quickly. There were no phones, conference calls, faxes or e-mails. All the news traveled to Britian in the same way: by ship, across the Atlantic Ocean. It took up to eight weeks for the declaration of war to reach Britian.
Americans beileved that Upper and Lower Canada (Quebec & Ontario) would be easily won. American president Thomas Jefferson said it would be "a mere matter of marching." Consider the following facts:
- Population of British North America (Canada) was 500,000 and America was 8,000,000
- The population of British North America included a huge number of former Americans (Loyalists)
- The French Canadians have never been happy being under British Control
No land was being conquered or lossed on either the British/Canadian or American side. In 1814 the British and Americans decided to make peace and end the stalemate. Worried about future American attacks the British decided to populated Ontario. The British government paid for and gave land to people who immigrated to Canada. America had been in two wars with Britian within 30 years. Many Americans who lived closer to the Canadian border became Loyalists and move to Canada where they thought it be safer.