Not even half the American people were in favour of independence from Britian. For the first time in the history of war there were man civilians who were not in the army who were willing to take up arms for the cause. American patriots were sure that they would have no trouble convincing the conqured French of Quebec and Nova Scotians to join the fight. Much to their surpirse, they found no support. The Americans were fighting the British soldiers and the Loyalisits (Americans that support the British).
Unfortunately the atmoshphere even after the revolution was unruly. Many people, whether thy were activley Loyalist or not, were persecuted by the Patriots. Individuals were harrassed, physically assualted, homes were looted and property was destroyed or stolen. This treatment was given not only those who were actively Loyalist but to others who did not seem Patriot enough.
The Loyalist settlers who fled to British North America (Canada) from the American Colonies had become refugees. There were some people who were forced to flee to Ontario and some chose to leave because of the violence in the war. 35,000 - 40,000 Loyalist moved to Nova Scotia and another 15,000 - 20,000 Loyalist moved to Ontario.